
The Agenda

Hi folks
Hot on the heals of the Boardroom new album launch night,
for the next upstanding
Rotters Golf Club release
'Andrew Weatherall Vs The Boardroom Vol.2'.

There will be the customary free mix CD for
the first 50 lucky punters & a special bonus
giveaways of new album
'Andrew Weatherall Vs The Boardroom Vol2'.

'The Agenda'
'Andrew Weatherall Vs The Boardroom Vol2'
Album launch night

Thursday, 15th October 2009

Danton Eeeprom (Fondation Records)
plus Boardroom residents :
James Moss (E.S.C.)
Tim Fairplay (BoredPlay)
PingMonster (Blue Screen of Death)
Dave Congreve (Con/Man)
Rad Rice (Radical Majik)

East Village
89 Great Eastern Street
London EC2A 3HX
020 7739 5173


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